Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Truth About Being A Teen Mom: 100 Misconceptions That No One Thinks About.

This blog is dedicated to all of the crap that's being spewed about how wonderful being a teen mom is. Below I've listed one hundred different things that A. No one realizes changes when you become a parent. B. Things that aren't okay to do when you're a parent and C. Things that might make it a little bit easier.

1. "We're going to be such a happy family." This is a lie. You and your spouse/significant other are going to hate each other for months at a time. You're going to resent the other for not running to the baby when its their turn and won't want anything to do with them until they do something right in your eyes aka get the baby to sleep and rub your feet.

2. "I can't wait to stay home with my baby all day and snuggle." This is another lie. Being a stay at home mom is dreadful. It's boring, overwhelming, and tiring. Your baby is the cutest thing in the world I'm sure, but as moms, we NEED time away from the house, whether it be at a part-time job or a small trip to town. Babysitters come in handy during these times.

3. "My mom will watch him for me." No she most certainly will not! You can't expect your own parents to parent your kids or watch them all of the time. Trust me, my James is almost seven months old and I haven't had a break for MONTHS. Our parents like their extra time just as much as we do and aren't going to be willing to give it up whenever you need them to. And even if they are, that baby is your responsibility, don't abuse the help.

4. Don't take your significant other for granted. If they've stuck with you through the pregnancy and hormones, they're truly giving some effort. I'm guilty of being grouchy on more than one occasion and need to learn myself not to take out my frustrations on Jesse.

5. You're not going to be able to get the entire house cleaned before your hubby gets home, especially in the first few months. Unless you're a superhero, this isn't going to happen. Be happy you get anything done at all.

6. Your in-laws are not suitable babysitters. They often feel obligated to watching your baby for free, and this is abusing a privilege, especially if you need a babysitter on a daily basis. Professionally trained babysitters approved by the state can be found for cheap. I'm talking 2 dollars an hour MAYBE. You can't get much better than a professional who took actual classes in order to become a certified infant caregiver. Don't pay extra for some high school cheerleader wanting to pay for her gas, phone bill, and extreme spending habits.

7. Remember, most of the people telling you that you're a crappy parent were crappy parents themselves. Don't listen to the advice of those that were horrible parents first, or haven't even had kids!

8. Your baby loves you, but they need their down time. That means put your baby down and walk away. If you've changed them, fed them, and cuddled them up, put them down. You do NOT want to haul around a twenty pound baby every minute of the day.

9. Don't ever let your baby sleep in your bed. This habit is EXTREMELY difficult to break. Like I said, your baby loves you and they love your cuddles just as much, but cuddles are for the couch, not your soft foam mattress.

10. If its difficult, you're doing it right. If its hard, you're not taking the easy way out, remember that.

11. Get used to stereotypes really quick. If your husband stays home, he's a lowlife, if you go get a job, you don't care about your kid. Does this sound ridiculous? I thought so too.

12. Yes, every last outfit in that store is cute. They're also twenty dollars a piece so you better get saving.

13. Babies are more expensive than you think. Not only are the hospital bills close to 30,000 dollars, a can of formula is nearly 20 dollars, a large box of diapers is nearly 50 dollars, and they grow out of clothes almost daily it seems. Not to mention health insurance or anything else...

14. No one WANTS to watch your baby. They say they do, but their giving up their own time in order to give you some time of your own. Cherish this and don't take it for granted. Everyone has a million other things they'd rather be doing instead of changing poopy diapers and wiping puke off of their clothes.

15. A dirty diaper is not just a dirty diaper. You think a baby boy peeing on you is the worst thing that can happen? Try having projectile poop coming right at you, splattering your entire front, and soaking you through two layers of clothes. Don't just change, you need a bath.

16. Want to know the easy way of doing things? Learn from your mistakes. Plan ahead for everything that you do and be prepared. This technique works for bath time, bed time, and any other time really. If you have everything together, you aren't holding a slippery baby while searching for a towel in the bathroom cupboard.

17. This may seem like a no-brainer, but don't leave your baby in the bathtub unattended! It doesn't matter if they're a week old or two YEARS old, preparing as I mentioned in 16 makes it so the thought of leaving your baby unattended doesn't even cross your mind in the first place.

18. Toys toys toys. If you're like me, you got buckets and buckets full of toys at your baby shower. In reality, THEY DON'T PLAY WITH THEM. Your baby is much more likely to play with a clean diaper or a plastic package of wipes than with a single one of the fifty stuffed animals they have. Had I known he would have had this many toys, I would have kept the receipts.

19. If your baby is in size 3 (3 months) Buy six and nine months clothing. Unless your baby only has two or three outfits in their current size, you should ALWAYS buy the next size up. Chances are they'll grow out of most of their clothes before they even get to wear any of them! James is turning seven months and he already has a HUGE box completely filled with clothes, and half of another, none of which fit him anymore.

20. Crying will not kill your baby. Don't run to the kitchen to make a bottle or to grab anything for that matter unless it's an absolute emergency. I've found that letting James cry helps him get to sleep better once he's gotten what he needs. It wears them out and then gives you a little time for yourself.

21. Schedule your 'me' time. Last minute plans are no longer apart of your daily curriculum. If you want a night out for yourself? Plan it weeks in advance, arrange a sitter, and then truly take that day for you. Turn off your cellphone and take that me time. Chances are you won't get it again for a while.

22. Bathe as often as you can. You think it'll be easy to take a bath every day like you used to? Good luck with that.

23. As a teen mom, OBVIOUSLY you have/had a love life. If you're continuing to have an intimate relationship with your significant other, realize that its going to be hard. Babies are exhausting and by seven o'clock of a night, you're going to be ready for bed. Dedicate at least a couple of times a month for some romance. It's much difficult to rekindle that flame when its completely out, than if you've been keeping it lit the whole relationship.

24. With that said, no means no. Even when you've been with your significant other for five years like I have, put your foot down if you're just too darn tired to do anything but flop down on your bed and fall asleep. Your boyfriend/spouse/fiance may have 'needs' but your sleep to recoup for the next day is  just as important.

25. NO MEANS NO. You'll often be telling your baby this, especially when they start crawling around. Distractions by moving your baby to a more appropriate area to play usually works, but accompanying a bad behavior with a serious NO, also helps when they start understanding you more.

26. Don't spank your baby =\. You really aren't going to teach them anything, especially if they can't even talk yet. Even swatting their hands is unnecessary at this point. As above, move them to a spot more appropriate for play and tell them NO.

27. You don't want your baby to touch your 300 dollar Prada bag? GET IT OFF THE FLOOR. The floor is your babies play ground, it's their domain. Much like a puppy, only have things they're allowed to touch on the floor.

28. Your diaper bag is your new purse. Unless of course you feel like carrying your purse, the diaper bag, a thirty pound car seat, plus any other things your needing at the time.

29. The mommy hook is your new best friend and can be bought for 6 dollars at your local walmart.

30. Baby proof baby proof baby proof! Yes, you need to baby proof. Do you need toilet locks and the whole shebang? No. (I'll explain that in 31) But electric outlet covers are a must have and baby gates for the stairs are also a good idea.

31. If you don't want your baby to get into certain areas of your house, CLOSE THE DOORS. Sure, not every room Has a door, but again, that's where distraction comes in handy. Your bathroom, bedroom, laundry rooms and the like usually have doors. Keep these closed and you won't have to buy a bunch of safety gadgets that you don't even know how to use.

32. What about the big rooms that don't have doors? Well, my kitchen and living room are connected by a very large opening, so large that the average baby gate won't fit. You can either buy an extra large baby gate, baby proof the entire kitchen, or simply move your baby into the other room and say NO as many times as it takes for them to find something else to do. Or put them in their play pen, that works too.

33. The 'natural' look is your new look. Byebye makeup, hello uneven skin tone and messy ponytail.

34. Sweats are also your new best friend. Stock up.

35. Don't separate with all of the baby clothes. While people like my mother keep EVERYTHING, don't be one of those people that gets rid of everything either. You never know if you're going to have another child so be prepared. Keeping a few outfits as well as the big stuff if you have the storage for it, (Crib, bouncy, swing etc.) is a good idea and will save you money in the long run.

36. Make a plan for how you want to raise your baby. Watch it fly out the window. Everyone has these ideas in their head about exactly how they want to raise their baby. Your idea of parenting and how it Actually happens tends to differ. Sure, you don't want your baby to be glued to the TV, not until you realize that you're able to get everything done during that hour and a half they're holding their bottle watching Doc McStuffins.

37. Embrace the baby talk. Because you aren't going to grow out of it any time soon. There's no such thing as diapers, wipes, and bottles. There are things called diapies, wipies, and babas however.

38. Binkies are bad news. Sometimes. Binkies can help babies learn how to soothe themselves, but at the same token, its difficult to get a baby to part with their pacifiers if they're reliant on them. Make this decision for yourself, but be prepared for the consequences for either decision.

39. Be prepared to buy the exact same toy multiple times. Just like cute little puppies, babies break things, they rip things and tear things up beyond repair. But that favorite doll who's head got squished under dad's recliner? It's head isn't going to get unsquished. As a favorite toy, it probably needs replaced.

40. If you like an outfit, buy it twice. Don't buy it in the exact same size of course. But if you can't get over those monster footie pajamas, buy them in two different sizes so they have a pair to grow into.

41. WAIT! If you love an outfit, you can wait for it. These exact same outfits go on sale when the new line comes out, waiting a few months could save you big. Carter's for example, has a new line that comes in every season. These new clothes are put on the wall and cost 30 dollars or more. The things on the rack? Those are from last season, go for those instead! And always shop clearance!

42. Your baby needs those cute little pants with the puppy on the butt. Of course they do. But if its clearly a winter outfit and its nearing the end of winter, calculate what size your baby is going to be in the following year, and possibly one size bigger. Chances are if its the end of the season, this outfit is also going to be on sale. So get it. Just get it much much bigger.

43. Your baby doesn't need fifteen pairs of shoes. Seriously. Does your baby walk yet? If not, one or two pairs will suffice.

44. Having trouble putting your baby to sleep at night? If your baby is a screamer, well, let them scream. That doesn't mean let them cry for hours at a time. Check on them every ten minutes or so by patting their back and trying to calm them. Do NOT pick your baby up, you're defeating your progress! If your baby just had a bottle before bed and was Just changed, chances are they just want to cuddle. But sometimes you can't always cuddle. Let your baby learn how to soothe themselves. It'll be better off in the long run.

45. Plastic water bottles will entertain your baby for hours. You don't even have to open it. Putting that in the fridge and then giving it to your baby to play with will entertain your baby for hours and soothe their gums if they're teething.

46. Teething is scary and tylenol is your friend. Call your doctor for the right dosage amounts for your baby.

47. Cylindrical toys are a wonderful training device. Your baby will make it a point to crawl in order to go after these things. The second they reach to grab it, your baby ends up pushing it away! This makes it an endless game for your baby. (That water bottle, HOURS of entertainment)

48. "Oh my gosh, my baby fell over and hit his head really hard!" Often times, no he didn't. A quick cuddle will fix it and most times, there isn't even a bump. James has fallen back on our linoleum kitchen floor more times than I can count and he's yet to get a bruise. Babies are made to be durable. Bonking his head doesn't call for an emergency room visit. If you're seriously worried, call your doctor and ask for a list of symptoms you should look out for.

49. Be thankful. If your baby is perfectly healthy, count your blessings. Your luckier than most as a teen mom.

50. Your bathroom time is no longer a private time. Get over it.

51. Your body is never going to look the same again. It doesn't matter if you lose all of the weight or not, your body has permanently undergone changes it will never come back from. Get used to this as well.

52. Your baby has many different cries, if you listen hard enough, you'll figure out what he needs based on which cry he's using. It sounds crazy, but its true.

53. You're going to cry sometimes too, and its not uncommon to cry just as much as your baby. Being a mom takes a toll on your self esteem, your stamina, and just about everything else. Accept this.

54. You're going to get more upset at their doctor's appointments than they are. Sure, they're going to scream their little head off when they get stuck with a needle four separate times in the same visit. But to me, they're important, and it's worth a few tears of my own for him to be healthy.

55. Read your toy safety guidelines! If that super cool toy you're wanting to get your six month old is for six YEAR olds? You better think again. There are reasons for the age limits. Small parts and certain fabrics are easy for babies to rip off and choke on.

56. Here's a big one. Christmas shopping. We already got our Christmas shopping done for the season. We spent 179 dollars on James's Christmas presents this year and he got a LOT. However, we bought a few toys that he can use now, and toys that will entertain him in the future. Referring to 55, we bought a few toys with an age limit of 1 year and up. He'll be a year old soon, and there's no point in buying a whole bunch of toys for now, that he'll outgrow later. (Sort of like clothes). So don't buy toooo far in advance, but to buy a toy for a few months down the road isn't a bad idea.

57. Referring to 56, don't pay for more than you can afford. Your baby is just that, a baby, they aren't even going to remember any of these toys! A few toys is just fine, but don't feel the need to go all out when in a years time, half of these things are going to get put into storage anyway.

58. As hard as it is, try to clean often. Your baby drools on everything, pukes on everything, and probably has pooped on the floor a couple of times. Sanitize these things! Even if you can't clean every last surface of your house, at least pick up small things off of the floor that baby can choke on, or put away things that could possibly hurt them (pop cans are a good example of this).

59. Apartment living is difficult. Be sure to check with your landlord before installing any baby gear. Your landlord might not want a bouncy seat that hangs from the ceiling, or a baby gate that has to be screwed into the walls. However, some of these things you really can't get around. Your baby's safety comes first and if you have to block off your kitchen, you have to block off your kitchen. Talk to your landlord, maybe you can come to terms.

60. TRY to get along with your babies grandparents (your parents and your in-laws). This can be HARD and sometimes there is no such thing as getting along. If worst comes to worst, be the bigger person and stop trying to build a relationship if its just getting worse. Some people are just downright dumb, mean, vulgar, rude etc. (You don't think I know anyone like that do you??) and there is no such thing as changing these kinds of people no matter how hard you try! Accept that they're jerks and orient your life away from theirs.

61. Don't be afraid to get help. At seven months old, James eats one can of formula every four days or so. That adds up to over 200 dollars a month! There are government programs to help young and single parents with these costs. Use them for as long as you need.

62. Here's probably one of the biggest tips I have. If you're going to use that government help, ONLY use it for as long as you need. Unless you're missing both legs, an arm, and half a brain you are PERFECTLY capable of getting off of your butt, getting a job, and supporting that baby. It takes awhile to get on your feet first, but abusing the system helps no one and gives the moms that use it how its supposed to be used a bad rap. If you don't want to be another one of those 'welfare moms' don't act like one! James has free health care (For another month) and we get checks from WIC to buy his formula. We had foodstamps for TWO MONTHS before I told DHS we no longer needed it and as I mentioned above, James will have Actual health insurance sometime next month. We are struggling. But that doesn't mean we're incapable. Get off your butt and make an example for your baby. Don't be a lazy teenager mooching off of your parents for the rest of your life.

63. With that said, don't live with your parents. Even as a teenager, you were grown-up enough to have sex, to have a baby, and now you're grown-up enough to act like a grown-up. It IS possible to live on your own. Believe me, you don't want to live with your parents or your in-laws. They will have that over your head for the rest of your life and you don't want that. TRUST ME.

64. Don't feel bad for accepting help when its offered. We all have those relatives that say "Just let me know if you need anything." You don't always have to take advantage of this, but sometimes, its totally okay to do so. This might be watching the baby while you go to the grocery store, letting you take a nap or clean the house, anything. But make sure to let them know that you appreciate their help. If you don't tell them you appreciated it, don't expect it to happen ever again.

65. Even if your baby can't talk yet, you should start cleaning up your language. Most teenagers cuss. They cuss a lot. Unless you want your baby running around at two years old with a sailor's mouth, you need to clean up your own mouth. Start this early, its a difficult habit to break.

66. For brand new moms wanting to know if they should breast feed or not. If you can do it, do it. Sure, it's extremely awkward to talk about and if your family is anything like mine, they'll pester you about what you're deciding for your entire pregnancy. Talking about it is awkward, doing it, isn't nearly as awkward as you'd think. It's one of the greatest ways to bond with your baby and it is so unbelievably healthy. Even if you just breastfeed for a month, give it a try. Formula is NOTHING in comparison to breast milk.

67. Breast pumps are expensive. Go to your local WIC clinic as see if there is anyway you could rent/borrow one. They'll give you a medical grade breast pump to keep for as long as you need. Keep it clean and it will serve you well.

68. Keep your supply going. Breast feeding can be painful, and breast pumping is even worse when you start to get sore. But this soreness will go away, and in the end it's worth it for you and your baby.

69. Breastfeeding is like liposuction through your breasts. You want to lose that baby weight in a matter of months? Breastfeed, the weight will fall off.

70. Enough with the breastfeeding tips, if you're using formula, monitor your baby and see if the formula you've chosen is really the best for your baby. We originally had James on Similac Advanced but he kept spitting up A LOT, so we switched him to Similac Spit Up. However, now he's constipated all the time and at his next doctor's appointment, we'll ask about switching it again.

71. If you want to get anywhere on time, write down the date and time of the event. Now, scratch out the time and write down a time one hour earlier than the actual time. Planning to get there one hour early is the ONLY way you will make it there on time.

72. Babies are notorious for needing changed, fed, and cuddled right before you walk out the door. Which is why you should plan an hour in advance.

73. No matter where you're going with your baby, always have at least 20 dollars on you. It's best to even keep this money hidden in your diaper bag. This money is NOT to buy another cute outfit. Unless of course he just crapped down his back and you forgot an extra outfit. This is emergency money, used for the formula, baby water, wipes, and diapers that you may have forgotten at home.

74. Sure, that 300 dollar outfit that your baby MUST have because Kim K's baby has it is cute. But that does NOT mean its worth that much money. If you want to make it in the mommy world, your number one rule is to never buy anything full price and if you have to have a cute outfit that looks just as glamorous? Put together your own gosh darn outfit with accessories and clothes you find at baby stores that aren't out to steal your money. (Not as much money anyway) There is no reason on this green earth that you should pay 300 dollars, or even FIFTY dollars for an outfit that your baby is going to grow out of in a matter of months anyway. This is a WASTE. Your baby needs to be clothed, that doesn't mean clothed in gold. Besides, gold is a choking hazard.

75. If you can't get over baby North's outfit. Design your own version. I'm sure you can find similar accessories and onesies for much less. And there's nothing wrong with being original!

76. Budget. BUDGET. No seriously, BUDGET!!!!! As teen parents, we want our babies to be cute just like anyone else, but be willing to sacrifice in other areas of your life in order to afford whatever you want to give to your baby. I mean, do you really need a laptop AND a phone with internet? Downgrade to a track phone. They only cost 45 dollars a month and that extra 55 dollars can go to your baby.

77. You don't pay your own bills? Grow the heck up. I bought my first phone myself, bought my first car, and pay for EVERYTHING. Phone bills, car insurance, gas, babysitters, groceries, etc. LIFE ISN'T FREE. You decided to create another life? You better learn how to balance all of these bills fast, your parents aren't going to pay them forever.

78. There are a few areas in your life you really shouldn't skimp on. If you travel often, you need a reliable car. Your baby needs to be in a safe car that works properly and isn't going to fall apart at any second. If you're looking into purchasing a new car, make ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE that it has air and heat. Those are two must haves for a baby.

79. Just like you shouldn't skimp out on some areas, skimp as much as you can on others. Best Choice cereal tastes no different than your name brand. Off brand foods (and clothes) are often made in the same factory! A good example of this is Buckle Jeans. These jeans are made in the exact same factory and the exact same way as jeans that are sold at VF stores. There is literally NO DIFFERENCE! So why spend fifty dollars on a pair of jeans that you could get for fifty percent less somewhere else? There's no reason.

80. As a mother, you no longer have vacations, sick days, or paid holidays. It doesn't matter if you're spewing out both ends, your job as a mother doesn't stop. I've had the same pounding headache for over a month now and what did my mom say when I called and BEGGED her to watch James? She laughed and hung up the phone.

81. The best thing you could do for your baby's future is go to college. Get your GED or High School diploma and then go to college. "I'll work and save up money first." No you won't. You'll flip burgers at McDonald's for the rest of your life with that attitude. Get off your butt and make something of yourself. For your baby's sake.

82. Your parents warned you that if you had sex, you'd get pregnant. Obviously they weren't lying. If you're going to continue to have sex get on some serious birth control and use multiple methods to stay safe. I'm fortunate. Jesse and I have been together for five years and know with one hundred percent certainty that we aren't going to give the other some STD because we're the only people we've ever slept with. If you're less traditional and have multiple partners, not only should you be on birth control, but wear condoms. Please. You don't want an STD and you DON'T want to tell the other five partners you've had in the past month that they might have crabs. Ew.

83. Don't TRY to get pregnant as a teenager. If you think it's wonderful you're f****** stupid. It's the hardest thing you will ever have to do in your entire life and it is NOT some stinking fairytale. You think that your baby's dad is going to stay with you just because your pregnant? Think again! A lot of girls want to get pregnant to trap their boyfriends. That's stupid. Be smart. If your boyfriend isn't into you move on. Don't trap them with a baby that they don't want to take care of. If they stay, they'll resent you forever. And if they leave, you're stuck with a baby that you can't support.

84. Babies don't fix relationships. They make everything that much more difficult. Jesse and I struggle on a daily basis to work on our own relationship and take care of James. Its HARD. We love each other, that's the only reason we've been able to stay together for so long.

85. Your parents are not going to be HAPPY that you got pregnant. They'll accept it and they will be wonderful grandparents (most of the time) but they aren't happy. No one wants their child to bring another child into the world before they're ready.

86. You're not ready to be a parent. It doesn't matter how many classes you take, how many books you read, you aren't ready. You can't afford a baby and you aren't even close to doing everything you wanted to do as a teenager. You still have a lot on your list. Be ready to give all of that up when you have a baby.

87. Babies don't make things impossible. Go to college, get your degree. It's hard, it's really hard. But its worth it. With that said, as I mentioned above, be ready to give up a lot of other things. No more partying hard on the weekends, no more drinking illegally at your besties house. Get that out of your head. It's mommy time.

88. If you are one of those teenagers that dumps your kid off at your parents house and goes out every weekend, or visits YOUR child at your parents house every few weeks, why the hell did you have that baby to begin with? Grow the hell up and be the parent that you DECIDED to be. YOU chose to have sex. YOU chose to keep that baby and now YOU are the one to raise that baby. You made your bed, lie in it. Only THE lowest scum of the earth doesn't take care of their children and forces them onto someone else. Don't be that person.

89. If you're pregnant and know in your heart you aren't ready to be a parent, you have two options. Yes, I said two. You can either have an abortion or give your baby up for adoption. I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-give that child the life that they deserve or don't make it suffer through all of the crap you'd make it endure. Make this decision BEFORE your baby is born and then stick to it. If in sound mind you KNEW that you weren't a suitable parent? Don't change that decision because your baby has your eyes and your cute little nose and now you think you can do it. Give that baby the life they deserve with a family that can truly take care of them. That sounds horrible, I know... but still.

90. If you keep your baby, you better step up and be the best mom you can be. If you aren't financially stable, you better work until you are. That baby deserves the best and you had the chance to give them the best the moment they were born. You had a chance to give that baby to a family that could pay all of the hospital bills out of pocket, to buy them a fancy car on their 16th birthday, give them everything their little heart desires. As a teen mom, you don't have those things, but you have to work your absolute hardest to make sure your baby gets everything that they need, because that's what they deserve.

91. At the same token, just because you can't give them everything, doesn't make you a crappy parent. Times are hard, money is tight, and life just sucks. But if you make your very best effort to provide for them, no one can ask much more of you than that. Keep in mind that there are far more people that could Actually take care of your baby. If you decide to keep him/her, you best make the biggest effort you ever have to turn yourself into the person that provides for your child more than anyone else can.

92. You are fully capable of being that mom your child deserves. You can develop the drive to do whatever it takes to provide for them. Find that drive and let it move you to do whatever is necessary for you to have a happy, healthy baby.

93. Your baby loves you, no matter what background you came from, or how he came to be. It doesn't matter if he came from a one night stand or a five year relationship, if you show that baby love, they'll love you right back.

94. There is nothing better than seeing your baby smile. That smile will wipe away nine months of misery and an entire year of heart aches. Keep that smile on your babies face for as long as you can, keep it in your heart always.

95. I was once told that if you hate your parents, they raised you right. No matter the reasons for your hatred, whether you hate why they grounded you, or truly hate them for whatever fault or dishonor they've committed, you learn something from this hatred. You figure out how you want to raise your own children, and things that you don't ever want to do. Use your own childhood as an example and either build upon it or start from scratch.

96. No matter how angry you get at your significant other, don't fight in front of your baby. Don't let that hostility enter your child's life. Your issues are your own, don't put them on your kids.

97. Take time to take in the good. Tell your significant other that you appreciate them and that you love having them in your life. You're thankful that they go to work everyday and that they provide for you and your baby. Never. Stop. Being. Thankful. And never stop saying it out loud.

98. No matter how hard things get, don't give up. As a teen mom, your facing obstacles that thirty year olds face and STILL have a hard time with. You're facing these obstacles without nearly as many tools. You don't have a career, you probably don't even have a job, and you have absolutely no idea what it's like being an adult yet. But still, keep trying.

99. Your parents aren't completely stupid most of the time. You made it out alive didn't you? If you have a close relationships with your parents, ask them for some advice (They'll give it to you whether you ask for it or not). Take this advice, use it, if it fits, keep doing it, if not, figure something else out. Some strategies work better than others, find which ones work for you.

100. Lastly, you will never in your life feel more love than you feel for your baby. It doesn't matter if you've been with your significant other for years and years, the love for your baby will be even stronger than the love for your boyfriend/fiance/husband. At the same token, whether you're with your babies father or not, there will always be that place in your heart where you're thankful for them, because they gave you your baby. If you're with the baby's father, the love you have for them will increase dramatically when you see them hold your baby for the first time, and even more as you see them growing into the role of 'daddy'. Always, always ALWAYS be thankful for all of the love that you receive, and be sure to send out even more into the world. Surround yourselves in love, surround your baby in love, good things are bound to happen.

PLEASE feel free to comment on this blog. This is the most serious blog I've written thus far and I feel it's an important issue. This NEEDS to be talked about. As a teen mom, I know I wasn't ready and it's important to make other teens aware that its tough work being a mom, let alone a teen mom! It's far too glamorized and that needs to be changed. Feel free to follow as well as we can continue this conversation.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

New Baby Blog!

NO, I'm not pregnant. But my aunt is! Both of my aunts are! In fact, they're both so pregnant, that one of them is in labor now! So here soon, James is going to have other babies to play with, ALL of which are little boys =] It's safe to say that we're excited about all the babies!

Other than that, today has been pretty normal. James woke up around eight o'clock after sleeping REALLY well last night. James has been sleeping in our bed a lot =\, and Jesse and I are starting to get really grumpy about it. Not only does our 18 pound baby sleep between us at night, he punches us in the face, scratches us, pulls our hair, and wiggles around so much that by the end of the night, we're basically falling off of the bed because James is taking up so much room.

Last night was the last straw. It was ten o'clock and after a really long day, we both had had enough. James was wound for sound and instead of rocking him and trying to get him to calm down, we put him in his crib, went into the living room, and let him cry it out. We felt horrible about it. But we truly are just DONE with not having our bed to ourselves.

We've attempted before to get him to sleep in his crib and on those attempts, he screamed his head off for two hours before finally falling asleep. Of course, before we put him to bed, we changed him, bed him, gave him lots of love and left it at that. But nothing worked. We'd go in and comfort him every fifteen minutes or so, patting his back and such, but he'd still scream.

We expected last night to be the same and in truth, it started out the same. About eight minutes in I looked online for ways to get a six month old to go to sleep. After researching I found that white noise makers (which I found on youtube) can really help. So we put my laptop in the bedroom with the white noise going and after twenty minutes, he fell asleep! Jesse and I were ACTUALLY able to sleep in our own bed by ourselves! It was nice being able to curl up with my handsome man and admire our baby from afar (across the room that is). But it was great. So James slept from about ten thirty to four, which is really good for him! Hopefully if we keep it up and get him on a routine, he'll sleep even longer.

So no pictures on this one! This weekend I'm taking more Christmas pictures for a friend here in town, and I'll be sure to post some of those!

As always, feel free to follow my adventures with James at amazingjames.blogspot.com and to comment about whatever your little heart desires.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Happy Joy Joy

James and I are just relaxing today. We have the house to ourselves, I just finished doing dishes, and he just woke up from a nap. Here's a few pictures I just took, didn't do too much editing. See? I told you he was photogenic!

Also! Follow us at amazingjames.blogspot.com. Feel free to leave your comments, critiques, and any other feedback, we'd love to hear from any viewers!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Yummy Yummy Num Num!

Today James tried more baby food. I'm pretty sure we tried Squash and though he didn't seem too enthused as first, he did a pretty good job! Usually, he's not nearly as messy, but seeing as his dad was feeding him, it got pretty bad. Below are some of the pictures I took during the whole fiasco. He had a lot of fun AAAND he didn't get the camera dirty. It's a win win! As always, feel free to leave comments and critiques and follow us at amazingjames.blogspot.com! He's so photogenic =]

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Practice Makes Me Grumpy

So, practicing with the new camera again! And now that James is crawling all over the place, practicing AND trying to get good pictures is pretty tough. James isn't what's frustrating me though. I'm proud that he can crawl so well now! But the camera? Yeah. That's making me pretty grumpy. I just don't know how to work it yet and I knooow it takes time, but still. The shutter speed can be adjusted, but then the pictures aren't clear. And the flash is either OH MY GOD or Where did they go??? So its frustrating. But below are some pictures I took tonight of James messing around on the floor. Some of them are pretty cute as they are, while others could use some work.  Critiques are always welcome and feel free to follow me and my adventures with baby James!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Christmas Photo Shoot Take 2!

So this time, I practiced on children other than my own. And it was really hard! My cousin brought her two children over and they're wonderful. But it was a big reality check on how different it is to handle other people's children. We don't see each other often, so they really weren't interested in paying attention to me, and thought me weird more than funny whenever I tried to make funny faces at them. For this, feedback would be great. I'd really like to know how to deal with younger children especially. I took several shots, and I'm already starting to dislike my camera =\. I get that I still have to figure out how to work it, but it drove me nuts today when I wasn't able to take shot after shot after shot, and that the flash didn't always work when I wanted it to. So I got sort of frustrated part of the way through the shoot. That, and editing was not my friend this time. Baby P, (the little girl in the following photos) is pretty mobile now and didn't want to stay still for the life of her, and since she'd just eaten before the shoot, she'd spit up a little halfway through and it seemed that the only pictures that would work really great, were the ones where she had baby food dribbling from her lip. HOW DO I EDIT THIS OUT? GAH!!!!

Anyway, here are some of the best shots. Her older son, who we will call Child C wouldn't stop 'fake smiling' as my grandma called it, and I really didn't know how to coax him out of his shell. If any readers have any suggestions on how to do this? Be my guest.

Also, I posted several different versions of a couple of the photos because I wasn't quite sure what kind of editing would be best. In some of the photos, Baby P's face looks a little orange, and I'm not sure how to make her face seem a little bit smoother. So again, help would be much appreciated!

Feel free to follow my blog and put in your input at any time. Good night from my cozy little family to yours =]

Friday, November 15, 2013

Christmas Photoshoot Take One!

Well, I'm experimenting with the Christmas Shoot that I'm doing! I have quite the group of people now wanting me to take their children's christmas pictures, so I've been working on the set, and testing out what works the best. These pictures were taken at five o'clock and my apartment has HORRIBLE lighting. So I know that the lighting definitely needs to be improved. But other than that, I think it's pretty cute! James is tested it out for me and when he wasn't eating the fake snow, I think he enjoyed it!

I spent around fifty dollars for everything in the shoot. With fifty dollars I got...
1. A fifteen dollar 3 ft Christmas Tree
2. A tub of ornaments for around 5 dollars.
3. A tree ribbon for 3 dollars.
4. Tissue paper and assorted Christmas bags for around 10 dollars total.
5. Two decorative Christmas boxes for 4 dollars each.
6. Fake snow for 5 dollars a bag.
7. A twin sized flat sheet to put on the floor under the snow for (not sure how much)

I bought all of these things at walmart and the cool part? We're going to reuse all of these things outside of the photoshoot! So being able to reuse them definitely made me feel better about spending the money.

Also! Please feel free to follow me and my adventures at www.amazingjames.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random Photo Blog

These are a few more pictures I took with the new camera. I added a few more effects to some of these, just messing around with the software. Again, I used a Canon Powershot. Pretty sure its 12.1 Megapixels? 50x optical zoom. It's pretty awesome! Aaaaand my son is adorable. The first photo and the last one in this bunch are definitely my favorites. The first one he looks just like his dad and his eyes make me want to melt. That photo, as well as the second one, was right after his bath when we were getting dressed.

 The pillow on the back of the couch? We got that at Gordman's for 20 dollars and they have a TON of really cool accents. And in the last photo, I got the wicker basket for NINE dollars at Walmart! Are they normally this cheap? No, but as horrible as it sounds, when employees put things in the wrong spot? Take advantage! There was a HUGE stack of those baskets in the wrong spot, and they were supposed to be twenty dollars a piece. I've actually gotten into the habit of looking for groups of misplaced items. From my experience, the company HAS TO give you that item if its THEIR fault that the item was put in that spot. If a single item is out of place? Then it was probably some customer that moved it. But if twenty or thirty items are in the wrong spot? Take as many as you can and be prepared to put up a fight.

And again with the last photo, I was trying to find a cute quote to put in the picture (that picture is for my grandmother) and when I went online I saw the quote "I love you to the moon". I made up the rest of the phrases on there. (Pretty sure I made it up) And I just rolled with it! However, I was trying to fin some sort of photo editing software that comes with a bunch of little cartoons or pictures that you can add in? There used to be a site called Picnik that had EVERYTHING! But I'm not sure what happened to it. Anyway, let me know what you think. There's yet to be a single person comment on any of my blogs =[ Any critiques, comments, suggestions, or the like would be much appreciated! TTFN from my family to yours =]

Also! Please feel free to follow me and my adventures at www.amazingjames.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Camera!!!!

I FINALLY got my own camera! It's a Canon Powershot and though I'm still getting used to it, I like it a lot! It came with some pretty good editing software and I think once I get the hang of it, the pictures will get better. Below I posted some of the pictures I took with it. All that was adjusted was saturation, sharpness, and in some cases, I made it black and white. My favorites are definitely the first and second one, while the last two could use a little bit more work, I think. Let me know what you think, viewers!

Also! Please feel free to follow me and my adventures at www.amazingjames.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Senior Pictures!

So yesterday I was Finally able to Seriously start my portfolio! Jesse's younger sister is now a seeeenior in high school and instead of spending seven hundred dollars on Senior Pictures, she asked me to do them. And I did them for free.

We spent about two hours and I let her have as many wardrobe changes as she wanted. The one thing I was worried about was not being able to keep the light until the end of the shoot (The pictures were outside and I got there at 3) But we ended up not having a problem. We took the pictures at her house which just so happens to have a monstrous garden stretching around the entire house.

I used my moms camera which was a Panasonic SomethingorOther and it ended up working really well! I was surprised at how great they turned out!

What I learned:
1. Position your subject in a way where the light isn't in their eyes! If you have them in the shade, its much easier to brighten the picture than to take away squinty eyes AND darken it without it looking creepy.
2. Try to find areas (outside) where there is contrast. If your subject is wearing a bright red dress, try to find a spot where the natural surroundings will make the dress pop.
3. Editing is your friend. Does this mean take off 15 lbs, add some nice flowing locks, glowing cheeks, and a pony? No. But bringing out the color of the eyes and hair by increasing the exposure and/or saturation, can really make your subject stand out, as well as adding interest to the rest of the photo as well.
4. Angles are awesome! Sure, the head on, straight forward point and shoot method is okay. But taking pictures looking down, up, and around at your subject, adds perspective and makes a group of pictures more interesting.
5. Are you taking a picture of someone that feels awkward or doesn't know what to do with themselves? Have someone they can talk to and let them get out their funny faces every once in a while. Taking that awkward 'GRRRR' face picture is usually followed by a genuine smile/laugh combination, and THAT'S the picture you want.

Until she gives me permission to post these pictures, I'm only going to post the Sneak Peak. (We don't want all her friends to see them if They read the blog!)

So below is the picture she chose as her Sneak Peak. Again, notice how she isn't right in the middle of the photo. This picture, I really don't think I messed with anything. I cropped a little, but other than that, we used the lighting to our advantage and even got some really great sun streaks (That beam of light was intentional and was something we really wanted in our garden pictures) But I think it turned out great! Very natural and B.E.A.UTIFUL!
So if anyone has tips or suggestions, hit me up! This was my first 'official' photo shoot apart from me constantly taking pictures of James. I'll be sure to post more when I have permission!

Also! Please feel free to follow me and my adventures at www.amazingjames.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Early Start, Early Blogging

So this morning, James decided to wake up with daddy. He was up and rearing to go at five o'clock this morning! And now, he's conked out in his pack'n'play while I sit here bored out of my mind and unable to go back to sleep. So instead, I'm watching Charmed, when I should be doing something productive like homework or figuring out how I can get paid for sitting on my butt at home all day. So if anyone is reading this and knows how to do that? Hit me up!

The last few days have been crazy. I left my job a few weeks ago so I could stay at home with James and work on homework. But now? That's driving me crazy. I love spending every second I have with James, but at the same time, getting a few hours away here and there helps keep me sane.

It drives me nuts how the expectations of women have managed to change, but haven't at the same time. We're still expected to take care of the children, clean the house, have dinner on the table at six, but on TOP of that, we're also supposed to bring in some income? Sorry guys, but you can't have both! And to be quite honest, I don't feel as productive just being a mommy than if I had a job as well.

The average income in order to support a family of 3 (or four, not quite sure) is over fifty thousand dollars a year! Jesse has a pretty good job, and makes well above minimum wage. He still doesn't make THAT kind of money.

And as a young couple, we've already rung up a fair amount of debts. We have...
1. Student loans.
2. A car loan.
3. Wedding rings.
4. A traffic ticket (Not going into this one)
5. And all of our monthly expenses including rent, utilities, groceries, etc.

That's a lot of debt! Over twenty thousand dollars in debt and counting! I still have two more years of college left and that's definitely where my student loans are going to get expensive.

Luckily though. We only owe two hundred dollars more on the wedding rings (Woot!) and the traffic ticket shouldn't take too long either. After that, we have three years to pay off the car (hopefully less) and our biggest debt after that will be Student Loans.

Hopefully, we start becoming a little bit more financially stable SOON. Its hard to feel unstable, and financial issues are one of the leading stressors in a relationship, and even a cause of divorce.

I love Jesse =] soooo much. But I'd be lying if I said that the financial issues don't bother me. Would I divorce him for it? No! It's not Completely his fault for our debts! Most of the debt is actually mine! Though I'm still blaming that traffic ticket on the other driver...

Anyway, finances are tough, and stressful, and can really get someone down if they aren't resolved as quickly as you'd like them to be.

I think the best approach is to tackle one thing at a time. Write down your debts, how much you owe on each. Then write down the minimum payments for each. ALWAYS PAY YOUR MINIMUM BALANCE. But maybe on one of the things on your list? Try to put down a little bit more until its paid off! There are a ton of helpful sites and blogs that are far more informed about finances. Find those, read them, live by them!

And now, here's a picture of my sleeeeeeepy baby. Love you buddy =]
Also! Please feel free to follow me and my adventures at www.amazingjames.blogspot.com