Sunday, November 17, 2013

Practice Makes Me Grumpy

So, practicing with the new camera again! And now that James is crawling all over the place, practicing AND trying to get good pictures is pretty tough. James isn't what's frustrating me though. I'm proud that he can crawl so well now! But the camera? Yeah. That's making me pretty grumpy. I just don't know how to work it yet and I knooow it takes time, but still. The shutter speed can be adjusted, but then the pictures aren't clear. And the flash is either OH MY GOD or Where did they go??? So its frustrating. But below are some pictures I took tonight of James messing around on the floor. Some of them are pretty cute as they are, while others could use some work.  Critiques are always welcome and feel free to follow me and my adventures with baby James!

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