Sooo, this is the blog where I talk about how Baby James came into the world. Not all the nitty gritty details, not the birds and the bees, but about the days before he got here, how miserable I was, and how excited everyone was to finally meet him.
Firstly, I was truly miserable. Before I knew I was pregnant? I thought I was literally dying. I was sick for about three months straight, so much so, that I couldn't even eat Cheerios. I called my mom one day crying, telling her that I had a doctors appointment the next day and that I thought that I might have cancer. I was weak, I couldn't even sit up without getting sick, and food wasn't even an option. She suggested that I take a pregnancy test.
My response?
"Pssh, why the heck for?"
At that point, Jesse and I were definitely going through a rough patch, so much so, that we'd cut off contact.
So when I Did take a pregnancy test and saw that evil little plus sign, I bawled my eyes out, telling my mom that there's no way I could tell Jesse and that he'll most likely kill me.
Obviously he didn't kill me. I wasn't even the one to break it to him. My mom told his mom, told someone she worked with, who told HER, who worked with HIM. He left work immediately to come see me, chocolate and a razzleberry Iced tea in hand.
We made up after that (clearly) and the next few months were a little bit of a struggle. Between driving a billion miles for doctor's appointments, excruciating heartburn at nights that left me wailing until the early morning, and having to have Jesse put on my shoes because of my inability to see my feet, it's safe to say that we were both miserable. After several months passed, the due date arrived! AAaaaaaand then baby James decided he wasn't ready to greet the world, for another two weeks.
May 2nd rolled around and by that point I'd had X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests, Everything, and still no baby James. Jesse was working that day so my mom drove me down to my appointments. The doctor's told us that they'd call shortly after we left, and after waiting nearly FIVE HOURS, we decided to make our way home. Little did we know, the breaks went out in the van my mother was driving, AND the doctors called just as we were making our way home.
The second I got the call, I bawled my eyes out. I was already a nervous wreck from the whole having to drive a van with no brakes home, and to hear that they'd be inducing me at EIGHT o'clock THAT day? OH MY GOD was just about the only thing running through my head.
So what did I do? I went home, took a shower, and made Jesse get everything for our stay at the hospital.
It was a doozy! I threw up when they tried putting an IV in my hand for the fourth time, and after 'being in labor' for over fifteen hours, nothing was happening.
At one of my ultrasounds that week, they'd told me that James was roughly nine pounds, give or take a pound, at that point. I was horrified.
I had several different doctors, depending on which one was on call, and after having one doctor tell me that I shouldn't have been induced in the first place, I was ready to bust heads together. The last doctor to come in gave me two options. I could either go home and come back in a few days for a c-section, or I could have a c-section that day, now May 3rd. Jesse and I both knew that today was the day. I couldn't do this any longer.
So on May 3rd, at 11:59 my baby boy was born. He weighed 9 pounds, 7 and a half ounces, and was 21 inches long. I was pretty doped up at that point, and only saw him for a moment in the delivery room before they took him away and wheeled me off to recovery, where I slept, and itched (morphine I believe) for several hours. But when I Actually got to hold him, like most brand spankin' new mothers, I cried.
Jesse was with me throughout the surgery, and he accompanied James in the nursery while all of our relatives
watched. The first few pictures of Jesse and James are fantastic, and are posted below, along with pictures of pre-baby, where I'm monstrous and a total mess.
This is one of the many photos of me looking like a complete train wreck. No make-up, giant belly. But my lovely fiance is still right next to me regardless =] He's a keeper!
This one was shortly before I was taken into the operating room. Crystal, whom we call Jenna (long story), is on the left, with Jesse all scrubbed out on my right!
I'm not sure who took this picture, but it's beautiful =] The look on Jesse's face is wonderful.
My baby!!!!
This is the very first time I held James. From the look on my face, I was completely shocked that the whole nine months in the womb thing ACTUALLY resulted in a child.
I think this is my favorite picture of Jesse and James. Again, the look on Jesse's face is priceless.
And this is my little man, my perfect little man =]
So that's it! That's most of the story, of how James came into our lives.
Also! Please feel free to follow me and my adventures at