Sooo, this blog was supposed to be how little baby James came to be. Not the whole birds and the bees thing but more like the actual day that he graced us with his presence in the world and the many doctor's appointments we attended before that day. It was supposed to be about the horrible heart burn and ungodly cravings, and well as the terrifying moodswings that often left Jesse sleeping on the couch. But I'll have to save that blog for another date seeing as JAMES SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME TODAY.
Today started out normally. James woke up at around sevenish, we watched Disney Channel for a little while, played with some of our toys, the usual, and then at about ten o'clock, he started hulking out. Not the normal WAAAAAAH hulking out, but the WAAAAAAAHWAAAAAAAHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Hulking out. It was bad. Within three minutes he went from being just fine to going completely insane. I'd left the room for ONE minute, ONE, came back, made him a bottle (which takes less than two minutes) and when finally got him to calm down enough to actually take his bottle, he did it again.
On October Fourth, James had a seizure, and today, he had another one. I was insane with worry obviously, I called the doctor immediately and actually managed to hold myself together long enough to tell them his symptoms, how long the seizure lasted, etc.
Laaaast time, they made us go to the Emergency Room where we waited for five hours for answers. They diagnosed him with Febrile Seizures, which are caused by fevers. Funny thing is, the doctors weren't able to document a fever that day, and he didn't have one today. They told me just to bring him in today and they'll take a look at him themselves.
It turns out, they had misdiagnosed him originally and their new and most likely one hundred percent accurate diagnosis is something along the lines of vasovagal seizures? (I think that's how that's spelled) Anyway, this is when a child is crying so unbelievably hard that they temporarily lose oxygen flow to the brain (sort of like they're holding their breath). During this, the child tends to pass out (James always gets really tired right after a fit) and in a case like James, they start having a seizure while they're passed out. It's relatively common, but still terrifying.
We're taking James to a neurologist within the next week or so to cancel out any other possible causes, but the doctor seemed pretty sure from everything that I told her about the two episodes, that a vasovagal seizure it what it had to have been.
For all those first time, and maybe not so first time parents out there, SEIZURES AREN'T YOUR FAULT. But it's a good idea to prepare yourself by taking seizure education classes, or even reading up on it online.
But ALWAYS make sure your child is safe and that you time how long the seizure lasts. If it lasts longer than three minutes (generally) call 911. Call 911 if your child starts becoming blue or purple while unconscious and if he or she stops breathing.
READ UP! It's always good to stay informed.
Baby James woke up though and its time to tend to my little man. Here's a picture of him being adorable. (As always)
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