Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sad day blog.

A lot has been going on lately, which is why I haven't been able to post anything. I haven't even taken time to take pictures of our beautiful pumpkins that I was talking about in my last blog. Two major things have come into my life that have made me realize a few things.

1. Bullying is HORRIBLE.
2. I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen to my son.

Firstly, a girl I went to high school with has been 'cyber-bullied'. This word is NOT enough to describe what's been happening. She's received death threats, has been called about every name in the book, and has been taunted non-stop for at least the past week. How do I know this? IT'S ALL OVER THAT SOCIAL NETWORK SITE THAT WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE/HATE. So, like the good civilian I am, I called the police station to get some information to give to the girl being bullied, as well as to figure out what I could do to stop it. I took pictures of all of the cruel things that were said, saved them to my computer, and told the girl being bullied (We'll call her S from now on) that she needed to FIRSTLY, unfriend the person bullying her. I also told S that she needed to refrain from saying anything bad back. Saying 'please stop bullying me' is one thing. Saying 'you're a disgusting creep and I just wish you'd fall in a hole' is quite another. The day after I gave S this information, she posted this HUGE status about how she had pictures and was going to take them to the cops (ALSO something I told her NOT to say to anyone) as well as some other things that I shouldn't repeat for the sake of little eyes that may see this. Soooo, once she posted this, a bunch of other people commented on it, including the bully, and EVERYONE went on to attack the bully. (Again, I told them NOT TO DO THIS) So I wrote one simple message on there saying that the best thing in that situation for anyone to do is be supportive of S and show that bullying isn't going to be allowed.

So what did they do? They completely ignored everything I said, continued to say that 'this guy should be shot' among other things, and will most likely all have charges pressed on them.

So I gave up on the situation because I don't feel like any negativity being targeted at me or my family.

What SHOULD you do if you or a friend is being bullied?
1. NEVER bully back! Bullies aren't stupid and they can screen shot just as easily as you can.
2. Screen shot as many things as you possibly can and save them to the computer for evidence.
3. If, after asking this person to stop bullying,Unfriend said perp if they're on your friends list. If they're not on your friends list, change your settings so that only you and Friends can see your page.
4. Stay positive! Before posting anything, take a good five minutes to think about if its something that you really want to say, or if you're just wanting to say it out of anger.
5. Contact your local police department to ask what sort of measure can be taken and do EXACTLY what they tell you to do! Taking matters into your own hands can get you into just as much trouble.

And again, the best way to stop bullying/harassment is to make it perfectly clear that you, your friends, and your family are OFF LIMITS. Be the bigger person and shut it down before it can hurt you, or anyone that you care about.

A lot of social networking sites have options for reporting someone or a post. If someone is really pushing it too far, report them or their posts! Believe it or not, even major internet sites WILL listen and that person's page will most likely get shut down.


On another note. A woman in my area just lost her two month old baby to S.I.D.S. I don't even Know this person, and once I heard, the news had me in tears. Sids is serious and every measure POSSIBLE should be taken to prevent it, and even then, sometimes its not enough.

All I could think about is my sweet baby James and how devastated I would be if I ever lost him.

Could you imagine? Waking up to your baby lifeless in their crib or in your arms?

I don't know what I would do if I was never able to wake up to James's smile in the morning, if I was never able to hear his laugh, see him grow. I don't know if I would ever be able to live without him. I know I wouldn't ever be able to be happy again.

Children are work. But the love that they bring... its something so unbelievably pure that nothing can compare.

Want a few tips to prevent SIDS for your little one or maybe a little one in the future?

Follow the link above or copy and past it into your search bar. If you don't trust this information because its on the internet, your local hospital should have plenty of information to give to you on how to be safe.


If you ever have any questions about ANYTHING, contact your doctor! NEVER feel like you have a stupid question. Your questions could save your child's life.

To recap on this blog.

Be the bigger person in any situation that could be thrown at you, and be the best parent that you can be when it comes to taking care of your little one.

Was this blog helpful? Let me know!

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