Friday, January 31, 2014

Valentines Day Photo Blog!

Alright. So I'm taking the time in this blog to talk about what is, and what is not, appropriate when taking photos of your child, especially photos that you plan on posting on the world wide web. Seeing as the list of Don'ts is much longer that the list of Do's, we'll start with the Don'ts first.

1. A full frontal view of a naked child. This, is considered child pornography. Don't do this.
2. Your child peeing. This is also inappropriate. If you listen closely on movies (The Help is a good example) Whenever a child is going to the bathroom, even a little girl, the noise is often cut out. If a boy is going to the bathroom, the photo is either from the back, or chest up.
3. Bathtub shots. Again, if you can see their private areas, these aren't pictures to post online.
4. Your child in 'risqué' or risky positions. When I say risqué, I mean, people are going to look at it and question why exactly a baby or toddler is in such a provocative position. When I say risky, it's when people may look at this photo and question your parenting methods. For example, if your child is smiling away in a photo, but right behind him the oven door is wide open, that might be questionable. Other questionable photo ops may be in a very dirty room. Dirty can be dangerous. Pick up the floor.
5. And for the sake of people not turning you in for child abuse, don't post pictures of your baby right after they ran headlong into a door, or fell down and bloodied their lip.
6. Anything within the photo that could possibly give away your location needs to be removed. T-shirts that have the local football team on it, city limit signs, park signs that give an exactly location, don't put them in the shot! These are DEAD giveaways as to where you are and maybe I'm paranoid, but I really don't want the local child molester joining James and I on our days out.

Let me make clear now, that these are NOT photos for the INTERNET. A lot of people take pictures constantly, much like myself. That's not to say these pictures can't be put into the photo album for family and close relatives to view, but again, anyone can see any photo you post on the internet and there are too many weirdos in the world that would be happy to creep on that innocent bathtub photo.

Do It!
1. Butt shots. Not full on, JUST THE BUTT pictures. But if your baby just ran away from getting his or her diaper on and their little tooshie just needs to be photographed, knock yourself out! As long as the manly spot isn't showing, there really isn't too much to worry about. That, and if you think the picture is cute how it is and you want to share it but don't want to show too much? Print the original and crop to post it on the internet!
2.There's really only one other thing to say about this. If your child is fully clothed and doesn't look like they're in a dangerous/risky situation, go ahead and take the picture and post it!

Alright, so now that the BASIC rules are out of the way, here are some pictures I took of James for our Valentines day Cards! Right now Shutterfly has a deal great deal! You get 10 rounded edge cards for FREE, all you pay is shipping! I saved 26 dollars and only had to pay 6 for shipping! Below, I've posted the pictures I took of James, as well as the finished card. Below each photo I'll post why it's appropriate enough to be on this blog.

 This first one is adorable! This one is appropriate because it's chest up. You're not seeing anything provocative and the background isn't dangerous, nor is it showing anything that could give away where we're at.
 Same thing on this one! You see a liiiiittle bit more of the chest, but nothing that's provocative at this age.

 This one shows a little bit more skin and is probably the most exposed your baby should be. You can see his little legs and maybe even the top of his bottom, but other than that, you really don't see much. Also, he just got out of the bath, which is why the towel is present!
 Whata dork! Again, this is a chest up angle and is pretty safe!
And here is the finished product! It's totally adorable and so much fun! Not to mention FREE.

For more photo tips and to throw in your own opinion feel free to comment and follow us at!

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